Dr. Stefan Abela - Specialist Orthodontist
Stefan is a Consultant in Orthodontics at one of the most prestigious London teaching hospitals; Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.
Stefan is also a specialist in Orthodontics and is registered on the General Dental Council (GDC) specialist list. Stefan qualified as a dental surgeon in 2003 and underwent further training in various specialties including restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry, oral medicine and complex oral and maxillofacial surgery including the management of facial trauma.
Stefan has carried out research in multiple areas in orthodontics and is an active contributor to international research. He has been recently awarded a prestigious award by the Norwich Medico-chirurgical society for the best research, and has presented on numerous occasions at the European Orthodontic Society conferences.
He is currently heavily involved in the supervision and teaching of dental surgeons training to become specialists in addition to general dental and orthodontic nurses.
He has also presents his research findings at regional lecture groups. Stefan is also an active member of the British Orthodontic Society, the World Federation of Orthodontics, the American Association of Orthodontics, the European Orthodontics Society, and The Higher Education Academy.
- The Unusual Loss of Upper Lateral Incisor Teeth. Ortho Update 2009;2:87-89
- Disappearing Roots: A Case of Widespread Apical Root Resorption. Br Dent J 2009;206:525-527. http://www.nature.com/bdj/
journal/v206/n10/abs/sj.bdj. 2009.414.html - ‘Improving Speech Disorders using Electropalatography: Applications, Technical Aspects and Manufacture of the Appliance’ published in Ortho Update 2013;6:47-50
- ‘All you need to know about bisphosphonates: An overview and general recommendations to the orthodontist’ published in September 2011 in the Journal of Orthodontics http://jorthod.maneyjournals.
org/content/39/3/186.full.pdf+ html - ‘Multi-center study of the process, quality and efficiency of orthognathic therapy’ published in Journal of Orthodontics http://jorthod.maneyjournals.
org/content/39/3/206.full.pdf+ html - ‘Placement of separators in orthodontics’ published in the National Orthodontic Programme, British Orthodontic Society Virtual Learning Environment
- ‘Placement of molar bands, removal and applications’ published in the National Orthodontic Programme, British Orthodontic Society Virtual Learning Environment
- ‘Parenteral competence’ published in the British Dental Journal 2013 (PMID: 23257787)
- ‘Student Preferences Comparing Three Different Teaching Methods for an Orthodontic Teaching Module’, published in Open Journal of Education, 2013 http://www.sciknow.org/
journals/issue/id/oje/t/1_8 - Orthodontic treatment in cherubism: an overview and a case report,’ published in the Australian Orthodontic Journal, 2014
- Abela S, Tewson, D, Prince S. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis – Implications on facial growth and contemporary managment, European Orthodontic Conference 2011
- Poole A, Jeremiah H, Rimes R, Abela S, Bister D. Quality of Alginate Impressions: A prospective audit, European Orthodontic Conference 2011
- Jeremiah H, Cousley R, Sheriff M, Abela S. The effeciency and occlusal outcomes of orthognathic treatment in a UK region, European Orthodontic Conference 2011
- Abela S, Hain M, Tewson D. How accurate is maxillary surgery? A retrospective study of Le Fort I Osteotomy in the eastern region of the United Kingdom, European Orthodontic Conference 2012
- Abela S, Markless S, Bister D. Learning Preferences of final year dentalstudents: Teaching routine orthodontic procedures using three different educational methods, European Orthodontic Conference 2012
GDC 100391
Member of the British Orthodontic Society
Member and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Associate of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Member of the European Orthodontic Society
Member of the American Association of orthodontics
Member of the British Dental Association
Before and after photographs by Dr Abela